A Well Rounded Life - Clear Cut Coaching
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A Well Rounded Life

Hello there. Welcome back, or welcome for the first time, whichever the case may be. It is awesome to see so many new folks visiting us, and we welcome you to our family. We also invite you to comment below to let us know your thoughts about the site. Your feedback will only make this site more valuable to everyone!

A few months ago we placed a resource in the download area titled “The Wheel of Life”. I’m still amazed to hear how this simple tool changes peoples lives!

If you haven’t had a chance to sit down with this little tool, I recommend that now is the time to do it. Why wait? You are here now and it will take less than 60 seconds to download and print it off.

Simply mark on the “Wheel of Life” a score out of ten for various areas of your life. Once this is done, join the dots together and you will see instantly what areas of your life needs more focus.

By recognising which areas need a bit of work, you can focus on creating a more rounded life meaning that you will feel a greater sense of balance and more accomplished.

And, just as a side note… I had an experience the other day that I thought I would share with you.

I had a client say that they just feel lethargic, “frumpy” and couldn’t be bothered with anything. Admittedly, it was a grey rainy day in Adelaide, but it was obvious that this person was in a state that was less than resourceful.

I gave them a piece of paper and a pen and asked three questions.

If there was something that you would like to achieve by the end of the week that you have been putting off, what would it be?

Knowing that, what is something that needs to be done before that goal for the week is achieved?

What could you do today before you go to bed towards the successful attainment of that goal?

In three minutes, this person couldn’t wait to get home to get stuck in to the goal they wrote to be achieved today. Without even thinking about it, they became focussed on a task that would provide them with a feeling of achievement as well as instantly having the impetus to become active immediately.

So, during these dark and cold winter days, if you ever feel as though you just can’t be bothered, try writing down the answers to the three questions above, and see what that does for your state. (Don’t forget to make a comment below with what you found!)

Until next time,

Live Your Ultimate Life