A close and dear friend was talking to me today and amongst the tidbits of stories about recent small successes were the many and varied ‘casual’ comments about how things weren’t happening fast enough for her – how life is keeping us just so busy that the successes, and failures for that matter, were few and far between.
A year from now you will wish you had started today
And suddenly, out of nowhere, mid paragraph in a story about how her latest idea had the best opportunity of working out of the countless ideas she had thought of (but not necessarily acted upon) came a phrase that I have heard so many times before… even many years ago from my own lips.
If only I’d started this years ago
Like a colour-full, majestic butterfly wishing to retreat to the earth bound life of a caterpillar, having this thought and wishing it’s truth is impossible. Not only is it impossible, but to wish to be younger belittles and diminishes the value of the learning and wisdom you have achieved in the years since.
The answer lies in the absolute truth that the only time we can do anything… ANYTHING… is right now. One has no way to affect yesterday, there is nothing that can be done to tomorrow until it arrives; the only influence we have on ourselves, on those we love, on our community and indeed to our planet, can only take place right NOW!
And that moment is gone, replaced by this one, and now this one, and yes, now this one.
Taking control of your future means taking control of right now. There is nothing anyone can do, but influence right now.
When I suggested this to my friend, she was a little taken aback. The realisation she had given her power to her past in the stories she related to me meant that her power was gone – she had offered it to the past as a token of missed opportunities. Only moments later, her shoulders were back, her head was lifted – her physiology had recognised and acknowledged that we have all the power we need right now. Her eyes widened with a realisation, and she said to me… “NOW IS WHERE THE POWER IS”. NOW IS WHERE THE POWER IS.
Have you given your energy, your power to the past? Left it there as the reason for the ‘now’ you’re experiencing? How often have you thought to yourself “If only I’d started this years ago”?
Take control. What can you do right now to make the next ‘now’ even better. Whenever you create a great now, the next ‘now’ has a head start!
Live Your Ultimate Life – in 2015!