I find it most interesting when I feel overwhelmed – when it feels as though there is so much that needs to be done and where there are never enough minutes in a day.
Our anxiety levels increase, which in effect makes it worse. Just as things are getting busy and we’re looking to focus and work through the accumulated pile of work, the anxiety means our thinking becomes more scattered, our energy levels have quick peaks of highs and lows and the ability to focus all but becomes a foreign concept.
Sometimes, the best way to get more done, is to actually stop; to take a few minutes of quiet and allow the hurried voices inside our minds to become still, to pause, to find peace and recognise that ultimately we have control.
My short call to action for you this week is to take a breath. Make some time to slow. Whether you have practiced meditation in the past, or if it is something you haven’t done before, go to YouTube or SoundCloud and find some Bach or Pachelbel, close your eyes and simply let the sounds wash over you for at least ten minutes. Take nice – deep – slow – long breaths and listen for all the notes in the music – not just the melody, but the bass line and the supporting harmonies that create a full environment to lose yourself in.
Time lapse videos are useful if you prefer to see something soothing as well as hear it. Sometimes it is difficult to find videos you find peaceful with accompanying music, so I often turn the audio down of a video I enjoy and turn on some peaceful Adagios.
Below is a video I enjoy and use often from a YouTube channel – TimeLapseHD. The visuals help to remind me that not only is there so much more to everything than what I am going through, but that this big ball of dirt and rock we are floating through the Universe on is simply stunning – nay, awe inspiring.
My challenge for you is to simply stop, every so often just pause and allow yourself to quieten inside. Allow your mind and body to slow to a peace-full state and re-sync. You will find that taking 10 minutes every so often will be worth it, with highly focussed activities achieving more after a break rather than struggling through the busy-ness we often create for ourselves.
Until next time, pause………. and
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