Can I Really Be Happy? - Clear Cut Coaching
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Can I Really Be Happy?

There is an interesting aspect about what we feel, and it’s one of those things that just the realisation can change your life forever.

Feelings are created by the way we choose to represent our surroundings, our experiences and our internal thoughts to ourselves. It’s the way in which we re-present this information that produces an internal response we call an emotion.

As you sit here reading this, close your eyes for a moment and think about the last time you laughed out loud… the last time your cheeks started to ache, and when just the sound of the laughter made you want to laugh harder. Can you see where you were and who was with you? Do you remember the looks on their faces and how you felt while this was all taking place? Just take a while to enjoy it.

A question for you… how do you feel right now? I imagine you have that same smile on your face and that you are feeling pretty good. See how easy it is to choose which emotion you would like to feel?

Now you could do the same (but I wouldn’t recommend it) with not so positive emotions just by recalling a not-so-great time. And even just reading those last few words has possibly transported a memory to your consciousness, and the laughter from mere moments ago has waned. Hmm… interesting, isn’t it?

So, the answer to the question “Can I really be happy” is yes, and even though some times it feels extremely difficult and even almost impossible, remembering it is the way we re-present memories that can affect our demeanour instantly.

So, today, remember the most “entertaining” time you have ever had as many times as you can, and enjoy the day with a smile on your face.

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