Change your Mood... Instantly! - Clear Cut Coaching
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Change your Mood… Instantly!

Today I’d like to convey something quick and easy that can change your demeanour and mood instantly. Wouldn’t it be good if at any time, on any day you recognise that you’re not in the best of moods and in a matter of seconds feel as good as you ever have?

Well, your mood (or state as I prefer to call it) can be adjusted by physiology and thought alone, with no outside influence!

Firstly, let’s look at what creates a state.

We receive input from our five senses (sight, hearing, feeling, smell and taste) and from there we process it internally. Using past experiences as a filter we generalise this information and re-present it to ourselves. From this “adjusted”, or “personalised” information we create beliefs and feelings about this reality.

Accepting this is the case, we can see that every single piece of interpretation and processing takes place internally… we have complete control over our interpretation of reality!

Even more liberating than that is the fact that we can recall memories or even be just in the moment and create our current state by changing the filters on the processing we have done inside!

As you read this, sit with your shoulders back, your chin high, and recall a time that you felt ecstatic, not just happy, but overwhelmingly ecstatic. Relive that experience… see what happened in vivid colour, hear what you heard and feel the emotion coursing through your veins once again.

While you are in that moment I dare you to try to wipe the smile from your face!

You can do this any time and any where!

Let’s add to it… recall a time when you felt powerful, when you felt successful and unconquerable. Picture the event and run through it again hearing what you heard and feeling what you felt during that experience. Now build that on to that feeling of being ecstatic you already have.

If you are doing this correctly, you will notice how your physiology (the way you are holding your body) has changed more akin to how you held your posture during this experience.

I bet there’s nothing stopping you now.

A powerful realisation and knowledge to accept is that reality is what you make it as you process it. If you had a troubled upbringing, you will place different filters upon the information from your five senses than someone who had a childhood that was affluent and generative.

If this is the case, please know that you ca change your filters. You can change your filters now. You can create in your mind the sort of filters you would like and they will instantly appear!

If you don’t like what reality “appears” to be (because of your internal processing) then as of right now you can change that. Imagine the filters are there, and they are. Please use this information as it has a massive impact on your life from right now, as you have read and it is part of your experience now.

If you would like more information or would like to discuss this, please call us on 0407 480 067 for a no obligation chat. We would love to be able to give you assistance to this extremely powerful tool.

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Practice this as often as you can and realise that now you have read it into your experience, it can’t help but become a part of your filters.

Have an awesome week, and send us an email about how this information has helped and affected your life.

Until next time,

Live your Ultimate Life.

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