A Simple Example of How Beliefs Hold Us Back - Clear Cut Coaching
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A Simple Example of How Beliefs Hold Us Back

Have you ever wondered how much we are influenced by our upbringing? How the beliefs formed as children affect every moment now?

Quite often, for those who have experiences in life with a large impact, it becomes quite easy to recognise how events in our childhood influence who we are and how we respond to the world around us.

However for most of us, we tend to feel that we are in control. We experience life and choose the best option when we have a decision to make. Do you realise though, that we are making decisions all the time!

Unconsciously, we move through each day with expectations and behaviours we simply don’t become aware of. And even though most of us finish each day happy, content and ready for a new one, without conscious effort we are essentially tied to our standard ingrained behaviours.

Beliefs in action…

Let me give you an example. As an adult, how are you at public events? Are you comfortable in going up to someone you don’t know and introducing yourself? Or do you struggle at professional networking events, or in being the first to speak in a group of strangers?

I would suggest, for those who struggle in social situations, your parents and/or guardians said to you may times “Don’t talk to strangers”!

And we didn’t; we remained safe and secure in the comfort of family and community, sheltered from needing to approach and interact with people we did not know.

Now, as adults, if we haven’t revisited this belief, this suggestion to not talk to strangers, we will still find it difficult. We haven’t had the opportunity to practice and become good at it!

And this happens with any and all learned behaviours that we receive prior to around the age of nine or ten. Now, the only way to break free of these beliefs is to review, recognise and practice. Once they were good for us, but now they may no longer serve us. We need to become aware of our unconscious beliefs, determine if they’re still useful to us as adults, and if not, change it and do what we’d rather until it becomes comfortable!

What to do…

Take a few moments now to think of a limiting belief you wish you didn’t have, and recognise how it came to be – how it became part of who you were as a child. Once this is done, you can recognise that it may have worked for you then, but it no longer does and practice the belief and skill you want from now on.

Do this, and you can’t help but…

Live Your Ultimate Life