Seasons Greetings - Clear Cut Coaching
Clear Cut Coaching
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Seasons Greetings

Happy Christmas to all our customers, partners and friends.

I’d like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very happy and safe Christmas and holiday period.

While not everyone celebrates Christmas itself, I feel it provides an opportunity for us all to take some time out, to reconnect with loved ones, those who we have not seen for a while, and those we can meet in our community. It is a time for sharing – sharing our time, sharing our friendship and sharing the love we have for life; and it is in this vein that I’d like to express to all of you that I really appreciate the time and interest you have shown in being a visitor and friend to this site. It is great to have this opportunity to support you and your goals, and I look forward to seeing and hearing of the growth each of us achieve in this little community.

Please take the time these next few weeks to take stock of who you are, where you fit into the tapestry of life not only from your own viewpoint, but from those who share this space and time with you. Listen to your guiding light, and let your passion be expressed; take time to feel the sun and breeze on your skin, the meandering and enlightened thoughts that pass through your mind, and the light and influence those around you have on your experience.

My wife Julia, daughter Kasia and I wish you the very best for the holiday period, and I look forward to hearing about you achievements and your amazing personal stories via your speeches in 2015.

Warmest and sincerest regards and Live Your Ultimate Life