The time is rapidly approaching for Clear Cut Coaching’s next webinar entitled “Design Your Life”. If you haven’t heard, it is on this Monday evening October 6th at 8pm ACDT and the best part is (aside from not having to get dressed up to go out to a meeting) it is absolutely FREE.
Now, in life, some would say that if something is free, then it can’t be very good. Thoughts are FREE! And then some would say “the best things in life are free”!
What do you believe?
The interesting thing about that question is that simply and quietly asking yourself that question did not cost you anything, but it gave you the best answer you have. Whenever you ask yourself a question, you will always get the best response your brain can give you.
One thing I’ll be talking about at the webinar, is the fact that we can’t help but be influenced by our thoughts. James Allen wrote a literary essay entitled “As a Man Thinketh” – the title being taken from the book of Proverbs in the Bible.
Allen is a favourite writer of mine as he very eloquently captures the essence of the human spirit and thought. It almost feels he made it his life purpose to get the message to everyone that we become the way we think; we are our thoughts. In fact, as he so eloquently stated…
“Right thinking begins with the words we say to ourselves.”
What is your thinking like? Do you know someone who is the “sad sack” who lives in the “woe is me” frame of mind? If something is going to go wrong, it is going to go wrong with them?! They are always focussed on the negative, making sure those around them know about it as well. Or are you the kind of person that is upbeat and looking for the best in everything?
We are truly the sum of our thoughts, and there are exercises and tactics we can use (and that successful people do unconsciously!) that can assist in ensuring we get the best out of our brains. The first is simply to listen to our inner talk – to catch ourselves when we start beating ourselves up, and to stop that thinking in its tracks. I know a few people who are more vicious and mean to themselves than they ever would be to anyone else! STOP IT!
Another thing we can do is ask ourselves better questions. As I said earlier in the post, the brain will always give us the best answer it has, and if the question is a negative, ‘prove to me how stupid I am’ question, the brain will oblige. If the question is stated so that it can be responded to in a positive, uplifting response, the brain will oblige. Try it now – ask yourself 5 to 10 questions that are both positive and negative. (Let me know if you don’t get an answer to a question!)
I will be speaking a lot more about this topic on the webinar, so please join us if you would like to hear more. In the mean time, be conscious of the questions you are asking yourself. Ask better questions for better responses to feel better about yourself, and all for FREE!
Live Your Ultimate Life.