What is the Key to Being Happy? - Clear Cut Coaching
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What is the Key to Being Happy?

For those of us who read, and study, and research, and attend seminars, and absorb as much as we can about personal development, there are many, many theories on what it takes to be happy.

For those of us who simply get on with life in whatever capacity our destiny defines, there is still that underlying need to be happy and we utilise our own experiences in our continuing endeavour to attain that goal.

But is there one key? Is there one thing we can each focus on that provides that feeling of contentment and happiness?

I spoke at a meeting a few days ago and after around twenty minutes of discussion the feeling became unanimous that true happiness comes from family and community. Having others around you that can provide care and concern, be there to listen to your thoughts and provide a feeling of worth to your existence were key points that were presented on the board.

While having others around does indeed provide happiness, are there not examples of people surrounded by people they love and who love them yet are still not “happy”?

Maybe then happiness does indeed come from our possessions. Feeling comfort in the knowledge that you have food, shelter, entertainment, toys, comfort, visual pleasures and never having to feel or want for anything must provide happiness! Never having to worry about needing or wanting for anything – think about it. Actually, isn’t this exactly what lottery winners experience? Having the funds to get exactly what the want whenever they want. That has to be the answer. However, there are countless stories of those individuals who have won contests or lotteries only to be hounded by new found family and friends looking for just a small fraction of the winnings, or to have lost everything and be back to where they were, or even in a worse position, after a few months or years. Maybe financial security is not the key!

For me, I know I feel good when I achieve. When I complete something that has been on my list for a while and I finally get it out of the way, or even the bigger goals that take many months to bring to fruition, that sense of accomplishment really gives me that buzz. Achievement and growth are certainly key elements to a sense of happiness for me. Think about a time recently you have felt frustrated, cramped or tied down. How did you get out of it? Were you able to undertake an activity or create momentum to clear away the mess, and it was this that provided a sense of accomplishment, a sense of happiness?

Could it even be that there is no “one” key to happiness? Maybe a happy life is managing many aspects of our experience… those we love, security, growth, achievement, supporting others, legacy. Is what provides happiness as unique as each of us. Ultimately, understanding what our own key or keys to happiness are, and ensuring we commit time and effort to that area appears to be the only option we have.

Is there one key to happiness for you? Or are there many? What are they? Are they in order? Feel free to comment below – I’d love to know your thoughts.

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