Why Being in the Moment is So Important! - Clear Cut Coaching
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Why Being in the Moment is So Important!

I was involved in an interesting conversation this afternoon where the discussion was around maintaining focus while undertaking some stressful activities. We spoke about the fact that driving a car is quite a complex process with many actions, points of being aware, random (and often unexpected) actions from other road users, and yet we seem to be able to do it without needing extremely focussed conscious awareness. For example, have you ever been driving down the road and as you pass through an intersection, question yourself as to whether the traffic light was green when you went through? It seems a large number of people I have spoken with have experienced this phenomenon.

Isn’t it scary that we can go into a ‘zombie’ like mode where we function without awareness? We also seem to be able to do things to the other extreme where we have so much self talk going on inside our heads, it’s a wonder we can do anything else at the same time!

The discussion moved onto exercises one can do to maintain focus and not become ‘flustered’ or ‘zoned out’ when undertaking any activity that requires concentration. Simply follow the following steps (using having a drink as an example)…

  • stop what you are doing
  • take a deep controlled breath
  • grab a glass of water
  • as you drink, feel the water slide down your throat
  • take another breath as you put the glass down
  • carry on with your task

This can be done with any quick simple process (another example is picking up a pen and feeling it on your fingertips) and provides an opportunity for your mind to stop – to clear those multiple thoughts that were flying around your head and regain single focus. Once this is in place, you’ll find re-engaging with your activity will be a simple process and you will be able to find clarity with the noise in your head no longer present.

When was the last time you were flustered and ‘meta thinking’ while undertaking an activity? (Meta thinking is thinking about your thoughts – about how you are doing the task, or what others may be thinking about in regard to your undertaking of the task – thinking about your thinking while doing the activity!)

Take the time daily to practice clearing your mind of the over-activity. Gain clarity with thoughts of only the single purpose currently being undertaken. Whether this is quiet time to reflect of a morning or evening, or as you are progressing through your day. Quieten the voices in your head and simply be present – in the moment – and experience the activity for what it is without judgement or noise (and know the traffic light was green as you went through the intersection!).

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