Write it Down, Write it Down, Write it Down (Part 5) - Clear Cut Coaching
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Write it Down, Write it Down, Write it Down (Part 5)

Welcome back, it’s great to have you visit again. Welcome to part 5 of our Perfect Day exercise. (Check out the other parts in archive if you need to catch up!)

OK… we now know what our day needs to look like at the end of the week to be on the right track, so the next thing to do is to make a list. This list will detail things that need to be done, resources needing to be obtained, discussions that need to happen to people involved.

Now, I realise that some of you don’t like lists. So don’t make one. Instead grab a sheet of paper and draw pictures representing everything that needs to be done. Use symbols, sketches or anything that you can relate well to, but whether it’s in writing or graphics, a representation of what needs to happen for the week needs to be created.

Now for the EXTREMELY important part. This list or representation must be the first thing you see each and every morning and the last thing you see each and every night. If you can, study it as many times as possible during the course of each day.

This activates the Reticular Activation System. This is an unconscious tool that everybody already uses that assists them in recognising important things while not “wasting time” noticing less important things. For example, guys, when you purchase a car, how many more of them do you see on the road? The same thing happens for the ladies with clothing. How often have you purchased a new dress only to see other women suddenly wearing the same one?

Obviously, the number of your make of car and style of dress has not increased rapidly with your purchase, but you just had no reason to notice them before.

The same thing will happen with your tasks for the week. If you see the list or view the pictures many times a day, the unconscious will make you aware of opportunities that become available for their achievement! A targeting system that occurs naturally for everybody all the time is now utilised usefully to achieve your goals.

So, do this each day for the week, and at the end of the week, make a new list for week two, and then week three and keep it going until you reach your goal. Compare your achievements with what you were expecting at each milestone, and if you need to make some minor adjustments, don’t be afraid to do so.

Please comment below with your experiences. I am keen to hear what you achieve.

But above all, just do it. Spend your time going for something. If you’re not taking control of your life, someone else is. Live a directed life and passion will build once you start achieving your weekly successes.

Go, build a brilliant life… one that you can be proud of. This is the last part of this series and next time we’ll look at something new.

I look forward to hearing how this has helped you.

Until next time, Live Your Ultimate Life!