You're Invited - Clear Cut Coaching
Clear Cut Coaching
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You’re Invited

Are you stuck in a rut – wondering when the sun will be shining again?

Do you find yourself losing momentum on projects within a few weeks of the initial commitment?

Thursday July 31 at 6:30pm at the Findon Library I am presenting a free workshop where you will receive information about how to beat procrastination – how to stay focussed on your goal and maintain momentum until it is achieved.

This is a new initiative from Clear Cut Coaching that is proving very popular.

Hurry – only a handful of seats left.

(Click on “Free Seminar” below for more information)

Free Seminar – Your Best Year Ever

31 July 2014 at 6:30 PM

Findon Library

Findon Library – cnr Findon Rd and Grange Rd – Findon, SA 5023 – Australia

Come along and start to Live Your Ultimate Life!